Robert D. Jr. (RDJ): From Drug addict to Oscar

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RDJ got jailled in 1996

In 1996, Robert Downey Jr. was arrested on drug charges and weapons possession. Due to this he was ordered to undergo a drug test in court, in which he was absent, due to which he was sentenced to 3 years in prison in California.

Robert spent time in North Kern State Prison in Delano, California in early days. He said. “It was the most dangerous place in my life. You could feel the evil in the air.”

Robert was released on bail in the year 2000 after completing one year of his three-year sentence.

Due to this action, it became impossible for Robert to get a salary. He was also removed from the role of Ally McBeal. Now there were very few people left in the industry who trusted him and wanted to give him work.

Currently, from the early 2000s, he decided to groom himself and started with small roles. Mel Gibson signed Downey for a film in 2003 when no one was willing to give him his work. Robert Downey Jr. married Susan Levin in 2005.

Ultimately, in 2008, he was selected for the lead role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Iron Man film. This role took his success to new heights. After this, he got work in many films made him one of the most expensive actors in Hollywood. He was honored with many awards for the film Oppenhiemer in 2023. He was also honored with the Golden Globe and the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in 2024. This Oscar was the first Oscar award of his life.

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